Romantic Relationships ~ The Greatest Arena for Spiritual & Emotional Growth Codependent Dysfunctional Relationship Dynamics & Healthy Relationship Behavior

Romantic Relationships ~ The Greatest Arena for Spiritual & Emotional Growth Codependent Dysfunctional Relationship Dynamics & Healthy Relationship Behavior

SKU: Romantic_Relationships

The title of this book: Romantic Relationships ~ The Greatest Arena for Spiritual & Emotional Growth - is a Truth that it is vital to recognize if you ever want to have a functional romantic relationship.  We were set up to fail in romantic relationships by the dysfunctional perspectives and expectations of love and romance we learned growing up.  It is very important to start realizing how we were set up, so that we can change our attitudes, definitions, and expectations of romantic relationships into ones that are more functional - into ones that can help us start learning how to approach love and romance in healthier ways.  It is important to realize that our patterns in relationships, especially romantic relationships - although normal in a dysfunctional society - are not normal, natural interaction patterns, they are dysfunctional inter-reaction patterns caused by codependency, by our childhood emotional wounding and intellectual programming.  And it is vital to start learning how to behave in a healthy loving way in relationships so that we can give our self the gift of being available for a romantic relationship that can be a great adventure with someone else who is also working on learning how to be healthier. 

You can learn to be more loving to your self and open to the possibility of having a loving interdependent relationship with another person.  Loving is the greatest adventure available to us - give your self a chance to experience how wonderful it can be by being willing to do the work to change your programming and heal your emotional wounds.  It is very much worth it to learn to love - and reading this book could be a huge step in helping you to become available to have a healthier romantic relationship. 

This book is a primarily a compilation of writings from my website that I have edited, rewritten and expanded upon to fit together in this work - that expansion ended up involving writing another 30,000 or so new words to add to those web articles.