
Privacy Policy

At, we regard the personal information of our customers as confidential, so when someone asks us a question or places an order it is treated as confidential correspondence. Information on web visitors who come to our site is treated in the same way.

Regarding Cookies

With the exception of the required use by our eCommerce software, no Cookies are being used on our sites. Despite the widespread, popular use of these "web visitor data collection" mechanisms, refuses to use them. To obtain information on a customer, or tract their web habits, without their express permission, is a violation of our customer's trust. If we have information about you on our files, it is because you volunteered this information, and even then, only in conjunction with your business with us.

No "Third Party" Sales

We do not sell "information" on their site's web visitors or customers to other companies or people. We pride ourselves in keeping any and all information regarding our web visitors and our customers confidential. And we are proud of the high standard of privacy we maintain on our customers' behalf.

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